First, it's been great to see that there are people in Western Europe who passionately love Jesus and long to see their countries reached with the Gospel and they are trusting Jesus with really big things. We have heard testimonies from all over of people coming to know the Lord. Some of the most encouraging stories for me have been ones that talk about Muslims from Iran coming to know Jesus in Great Britain. And then the stories of Albania, where only 20 years ago there were MAYBE 1000 believers to now having 110 CRU staff members and sending out others to reach neighboring Muslim countries. It is encouraging to see what God is doing around the world.
It is also challenging. When I was on staff with CRU I took being a part of large movements like this for granted. The large vision we had was just part of the job. I'm realizing I've really missed being a part of a large movement/vision. This week has been a really good reminder that it's really not about me. Of course I know that, but I'm very quick to forget. And back in Texas I get so caught up just in the crap of life (debt, bills, entertainment, job, career, etc) that I forgot about mission. Life can easily drown out mission and I have allowed it to do so. There is something here that I miss. I don't think this means I'm going to re-join staff with CRU or anything. But this should mean something. We'll have to wait and see.
I've also been hit with this phrase that one of the speakers, a staff guy from Switzerland, said yesterday. He asked, "have you lowered your faith, to match your experience?" That has stuck with me. I was immediately struck with how that is true in my life. My experience has been king lately, dictating how I feel and sometimes what I do. I've allowed my faith to grow small. I've let circumstances dictate my faith instead of choosing faith to overcome the circumstances. I'm tired of having small faith. Again, not sure what will come of this. But something should.
And it has been so sweet to see old friends who were involved in the ministry some as far back as 18 years ago. Thursday night we celebrated the 25th anniversary of CRU in Estonia. It was a special event attended by Steve Douglas, Vonette Bright, and other CRU big wigs were in the house too (Steve Sellers and even Paul Eshelman). But the best part for me was reconnecting with old familiar faces. Here is Meelika. I met her on summer project in 1994. She wasn't a believer when we met, but became one with the CRU team that followed the summer project. I came back a year later and took up discipling her. I remember tackling the book of Hebrews with her, which was quite an undertaking. She is now married, with 2 kids and is a practicing doctor in her town. She continues to walk with Jesus and is doing well.
And then there is Dima. I love this kid (who is not really a kid anymore!). Dima was involved in our ministry for several years (6-7 years). He was in high school when I first met him. He is a VIP in the Estonia Ministry of Finance now and is working on his PhD in Norway (something about using marketing to make people feel better about paying their taxes!). But more than that, he holds a special place in my heart and always will. I surprised myself by getting teary when I saw him and am even a little teary now as I type this thinking about him. Honestly, I'm not sure about his walk with the Lord. There are things in his life that I think could hinder it, but we didn't really get a chance to talk about it. But we are committed to staying in touch via facebook. Please pray for him.
And finally, Katri. Katri was also involved in CRU for several years and I had the privilege of visiting a hospital during an outreach with Katri on Wednesday. It was so fun to connect with her and do ministry together again. She is doing well and involved in her local church.
In many ways, my heart is full. And yet there is one more, very exciting day left here in Estonia. Tomorrow is a special day. But I'll save that for tomorrow's post.
Of course, another effect of being here is that I'm really missing living in Europe. But that's all I'll say about that otherwise my family may revolt against me. Don't worry parents, I have no plans currently. ;-)
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