That dream happened in Estonia today. Today was Kristuspaeval 2012 (Christ Day 2012) in Estonia. As a conference we all gathered in a soccer stadium and joined Estonian nationals from every region of Estonia to gather together to worship and pray for this small country. Organized by CRU staff in Estonia and others, pastors from all denominations and churches from all over the country gathered together to beseech the Lord to bring revival to Estonia and that it would spread to all the world. It was an incredible day and so fun to be a part of.
Here is a picture from the day.
This evening, for my last time few hours in Tallinn, I decided to walk through Old Town one last time. I bought a couple of last minute souvenirs and then decided to hit the square one last time. I'm so glad I did. In the square were some of the youth from our conference who are participating in the arts track, singing songs and sharing testimonies. These particular youth were a band from Germany, so they were actually pretty good. I laughed as I listened to acoustic songs by Katy Perry and others. But as I sat there and listened, I almost broke down in tears. Yes, I'm exhausted. Yes, it's been a full week here in Tallinn and my heart is full. But as I listened to them sing and share testimonies to a crowd of Estonians that had gathered around, I just kept thinking about how far things in Estonia had come. And how great our God is.
Just over 20 years ago, this was illegal. 15 years ago, this was just unlikely. When I lived here then, stuff like this just didn't happen. I doubt then that anyone would have stopped and listened. But somehow, today, Estonians are different. They stopped. They engaged. They watched. They listened. They clapped. They let their children dance right by the performers. They were happy.
Yes, Estonia is one of the least churched nations in Europe. Yes, less than 1% claim to follow Jesus. And yet tonight I saw hope. And hope not just for Estonia, but for all of Western Europe. This week has showed me that God is up to something in Europe and people are coming to know Him, sometimes miraculously so. He has not turned His back on this land.
I had a drink tonight with an American/Canadian family that has lived here for 17 years and was around when I lived in Tartu, Linden and Janice Viinalass. They are an incredible couple who moved here with their 5 kids to be salt and light to Linden's Estonian relatives. Tonight Linden encouraged me with these words. "Go with our Great God." Go with our Great God. Hmmm. As I move forward in my life, I want to go with, not just God, but remembering that He is indeed great. I want to go with my Great God. And now, as I leave Estonia, I pray that our Great God will move in this nation and across all of Western Europe. He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly beyond all we ask and imagine.
And so my time in Estonia comes to an end. But what a day! Christ Day in the soccer stadium, the Viinalass', and truth being declared to an interested audience in the square! Again, what a day. No doubt I will continue processing all that has transpired this week. I hope this week stays with me. I hope I continue going with our Great God.
Next stop - London. Go Team USA!
1 comment:
Jana, I am so glad I stumbled upon your blog as we are trying to put into words our small experience of the week in Tallinn. I didn't get to have you show me around but I experienced Estonia through your eyes here. Thanks!
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