Old Town Tallinn is still one of my favorite places on earth. Old cobblestone streets, sidewalk cafe's everywhere, quaint buildings, beautiful flowers, etc. If you try you can almost picture the peasants selling their wares with the princes and knights riding through on their horses. It's sometimes magical to be in a place 1000 years old. Today the food in those cafes is a bit more expensive and there are WAY more tourists than I ever remember, but the place is still charming. And while there IS a McDonalds in Old Town, there is no Starbucks anywhere. Some may think that sad, but I'm pleased that Old Town has mostly maintained the "old." Of course, a Starbucks in one of those malls that is pretty close would be just fine. I guess while many toursists have discovered this little, great place, Starbucks and other western commerical endeavors have not. Something tells me it's just a matter of time. And more than likely I would just learn how to say, "grande vanilla latte" in Estonian.
My first full day has been fun. I connected with some old friends who live in Spain but are here for the same reason as I and I had plenty of time to explore some things on my own. I'm calling it the calm before the storm. The conference starts in a couple of hours. Giddy up.
I'm excited that you'll be updating your blog throughout this adventure. Praying for you as you are in that place that is so deeply imprinted into my heart.
Yay for the blog updates. Can't wait to hear more. Im picturing peasants and knights and mad that you knocked the lada.
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