Thursday is basketball day. Every week, several of us from the office gather at 4 pm to play some ball, get some exercise. So far, while it's been fun, it has also exposed several things to me. First, I am way out of shape. Two, that sweet shot I had in high school has faded quite a bit. And three, I still love to play. Thankfully there is another girl who plays so I can play too.
But one thing I've observed is that the basketball court is a place of unspoken intimacy. When you are guarding another person there is all sorts of incidental contact that happens, and it's OK, it's part of the game. When my hand grazes another players butt or hip or something else, he/she knows I'm attempting to guard them and it's OK. When someone sets a screen and I run straight into the chest of a man I normally wouldn't ever get so close too, it's OK. It's all part of the game. When I hook arms with the player I'm gaurding (or fouling), it's OK. There's only been one time where I accidentally grazed some gentleman's "package." But what can I say, he was trying to drive the lane. Not in my house, buddy! We never spoke of it, because again, it's all part of the game (and it would have embarassed him quite a bit).
The point I'm trying to make is, we're comfortable on the court. While we may not know each other that well in life, we know what each other is like on the court. And because we know each other in that way, the touchy intimacy is OK. It's part of the game. In fact, it's normal.
Now I know this may be a stretch, but what if community among followers of Christ were like that? What if we knew each other so well, that intimacy was comfortable? Of course, I don't necessarily mean touchy intimacy like on the court. But what if being completely vulnerable and known was not only comfortable, but expected - just part of following Christ? While on the basketball court we are united in the purpose of scoring, in life we are united by Christ. What if that were enough to make us comfortable with each other so that we were intimatly known and knew others?
And what would the result be? On the court, you're working together to achieve a common goal. What if we could follow Christ as a team, helping each other run the race to the end? I actually think that is what community is supposed to be like. All of us together, enduring the messy fouls, keeping each other hydrated, making it to the end.
Funny the things you learn on a basketball court. And sorry if I've made you feel uncomfortable, Trina. I have to do something to keep you from scoring.