Without a doubt, "Lost" is the best show on television. Sure, some could argue that is a matter of opinion. I choose to believe it as fact. No other show is as entertaining. No other show leaves you week after week wondering, "what the crap?" Each episode leaves you concocting crazy theories that one week later are proven false. This week, we're theorizing who are the others? Who is Desmond waiting for? How long has he been there? How did Jin get back to the island? Are there any other survivors alive? What's with the clock counting down from 108? Etc. And basically week after week we have no idea what is going on.
That is why we love it. We have no idea what is going on. Somewhere (perhaps locked securely in the brilliant minds of JJ Abrams and Damon Lindelof) there is a bigger picture, a larger plot, a much larger story to tell. Week to week we only see small portions of the whole. And those portions pretty much leave us fantastically frustrated and more intrigued and confused. We love the mystery. So week to week we come back and watch, again wondering "what the crap?" We have no idea what is going on and what to expect, but we sure love to watch and experience.
Now for the part where I get all spiritual on you. Isn't this a lot like our own spiritual journey? And yet, I treat it so differently. As a follower of Jesus I have to believe that there is a much larger story at play then just the small part I see. His ways are higher, He is doing more than I can imagine. And yet I am so consumed with the small part involving me. I too make my theories about just what the Lord is doing in my life. Maybe He's doing this... maybe that. Maybe he wants me to do this... maybe that. Maybe He's leading me here... maybe not. Why did He do that... why isn't He doing this? Etc.
But the bottom line is, I have no idea what the Lord is doing. And yes, often I respond to Him with "what the crap?" Just like in watching "Lost" I want to know the larger story and I want to know where it's going. And just like watching "Lost" I am left to trust the writer. Trust that the Author of the story knows exactly what He is doing. Trust that He is good. Trust that it's still going to be quite an adventure and that it's OK if I'm clueless.
But here's the difference. I enjoy the mystery on "Lost." That's part of what makes it great. I embrace the mystery. But not in life. I hate the mystery. I hate not knowing. I hate not being in control. And yet, that is what a life of faith is all about. Not knowing, not being in control and trusting anyway. Having no idea how we're travelling, but coming along for the ride anyway because I trust the driver. OK, enough stupid analogies. The point is, our life of faith is one of adventure. And we should embrace it and enjoy the mystery that trusting the Lord brings. We should be excited to see what the Lord has for us just around that next corner. We should greatly anticipate each new episode. We should embrace the mystery in life and our life of faith, or we might just end up lost.
quality. keep it up.
I guess somebody thinks you need some eye cream or something. Can they tell you're getting old just by your blog. hahhhhahahahaaaa. just kidding j. I love it. Leave it to you to make the bridge.
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