Ok, now for the long awaited update. So sorry it has been so long. To be honest, I've just been uninspired when it comes to writing anything. I've had ideas, just not the inclination to actually sit down and write them out. Oh well, we all enjoy periods of laziness, right?
Recently I wrote and said that I believed that the Lord's pursuit of me was boring. I wrote that the night before I went to a conference that potentially was life changing. I won't go into all the detial here, but to say the least, I no longer believe that the Lord's pursuit of me is boring. In fact, I now see it as sweetly constant.
I think there is a lot about the Lord that I miss because I like to define things according to how they are defined in the world around me or my experience in the world. But you can't do that with the Lord. I think one will always go astray when you compare the Lord and how He works to someone or some experience in a fallen world. It just never works. You will end up with not only a false belief, but a much smaller view of who God is.
That's what I did in contemplating His pursuit of me. I compared Him to my Dad and my experience. I expected His pursuit of me to, well, I'm almost ashamed to admit it, but be like what I see in the movies (which I know is never real). That feels silly to say. Anyway, I wanted His pursuit of me to rush in like a hero and sweep me off my feet every day, my knight in shining armor. Of course now I think that sounds exhausting.
What I've discovered is that His pursuit of me is passionate and gentle, constant and real, subtle and overwhelming. Its daily persistence with a gentle, guiding and loving touch. It engages my heart and mind, not just my emotions. It's lasting, not just an emotional moment of being swept up and away. It's exactly what I need, when I need it. And sometimes, I think it can only be seen and recognized in hindsight.
That last one maybe is a result of living and being surrounded by a fallen world. I'm too easily distracted to recognize His daily pursuit. But I know it's there. And when my eyes are cleared and I finally do see it, my heart is again wooed, and full of praise.
His pursuit of me is pure, constant, persistant, holy, passionate and unwavering and unending. And it is real. Personally, I found it more romantic than the emotional rush of the knight sweeping me off my feet. It is nothing like anything I've ever known and/or experienced. It's nothing like this world. So don't try to define it, that's no good. Leave the defining up to Him. After all, His ways are much higher than ours.